Divina Presencia, Havremagasinet Boden
An exhibition curated by DACE, Dance and Critical Ecology, Rebecca Centinel and Rickard Borgström, Exhibition design by Michel Jimenez.
Featuring new textile and video works, Divine Presenceis an installation that forms part of The School of Mountains and Water and is related to the fifth volume of research on Endangered Human Movements entitled Climatic Dances. The work deals with how we can understand mountains as living bodies that are central to the re-creation of water as life, and shares First Nations understandings of water as sacred and sentient, revered and acknowledged through ritual practice.
Coming from extractivist contexts like Chile and Mexico, where desertification and water scarcity caused by Capitalocene-induced climate change are already a reality, artist Amanda Piña proposes to refresh our experience of and relation to water through works in different media aimed at re-awakening ancestral knowledge and memory.
The installation was curated by DACE – Dance Art Critical Ecology, Rickard Borgström and Rebecca Chentinell, and will be first presented at Boden Havremagasinet Länskonsthall (Sweden) in April 2022. The works were developed in Mexico (Las Pilas) and Austria (Kaiserbrunn), initiating a dialogue between two different, seemingly unrelated geographies.
Supported by the Municipal Department of Cultural Affairs, Vienna.

Alles Tanz, Kosmos Wiener Tanz Moderne