Divina presencia, Museums Quartier Vienna 2022
Agua es Futuro
Radialsystem Berlin
Grounding ~ Seeding @ Tranzit.sk
Previous Works:

Divina Presencia, EHM.Vol 5
Curated by DACE, Dance and Critical Ecology, Rebecca Centinel and Rickard Borgström, Exhibition design by Michel Jimenez.
30 APRIL – 15 MAJ 2022
Exhibition view here
Featuring new textile and video works, Divine Presenceis an installation that forms part of The School of Mountains and Water and is related to the fifth volume of research on Endangered Human Movements entitled Climatic Dances. The work deals with how we can understand mountains as living bodies that are central to the re-creation of water as life, and shares First Nations understandings of water as sacred and sentient, revered and acknowledged through ritual practice.
Coming from extractivist contexts like Chile and Mexico, where desertification and water scarcity caused by Capitalocene-induced climate change are already a reality, artist Amanda Piña proposes to refresh our experience of and relation to water through works in different media aimed at re-awakening ancestral knowledge and memory.
The installation was curated by DACE – Dance Art Critical Ecology, Rickard Borgström and Rebecca Chentinell, and will be first presented at Boden Havremagasinet Länskonsthall (Sweden) in April 2022. The works were developed in Mexico (Las Pilas) and Austria (Kaiserbrunn), initiating a dialogue between two different, seemingly unrelated geographies.
Supported by the Municipal Department of Cultural Affairs, Vienna.

Climatic Dances / Danzas Climáticas (2019-2022)
Exhibition at Kunsthalle Wien, in the frame of the Exhibitio And if I devoted my life to one of its feathers
read publication here.

Danza y Frontera, Endangered Human Movements Vol 4.
Curated by Andrea Niederbuchner
Haus der Statistik, Alexanderplatz Berlin
The presentation includes videos and costumes made as part of the historical, choreographic and socio-political research for “Endangered Human Movements, Vol. 4, Danza y Frontera”.
More info here
Performative Installations

Danzas Climáticas, EHM. vol 5
An installation featuring two films Danzas Climaticas, Curated by Miguel Lopez for the exhibition and if I devoted my life to one of your feathers, At Kunsthalle Wien in Mai 2021

The School of the Jaguar EHM.Vol.3
An installation created to host the event with the same name, which includes a performance titled the Jaguar and the Snake, a lecture series, The Jaguar Talks, a Workshop on indigenous dance dance led by a Wixárika shaman from north west Mexico, session of individual healing done by the shaman, and an exhibition of Wix- árica and creole contemporary art.

The School of the Jaguar at Fondation Cartier EHM.Vol 3
Inside the architecture of Freddy Mamani Silvestre the space for the School of the Jaguar and for the performance The Jaguar and the Snake was configured as a Andean Ballroom.
In the frame of the exhibition Geometries Sud, Du Mexique á la terre du feu, Co-Curated by Alexis Fabry, the dance hall inspired in Quechua-Aymara urban modern communal spaces as present in the city of El Alto, Bolivia, becomes a place for the re-Appearance of Amerindian Iconography.
Watch documentation here

Alles Tanz EHM. Vol 4- Kosmos Wiener Tanz Moderne,
Curated by Andrea Amort
“During the first third of the 20th century Vienna ranked amongst the most important international centres of Modern Dance. The exhibition, organised in cooperation with the Musik und Kunst Privatuniversität der Stadt Wien (MUK), attempts to inscribe significant female dancers into Vienna’s great historical narrative. Threads are spun between the productive and socio-critical spirit of that time and today through enduring movement techniques of Modernism and related topics. Hence, the presentation, curated by Andrea Amort and designed by Thomas Hamann, concludes with film contributions by Amanda Piña, Doris Uhlich, Thomas Kampe and Simon Wachsmuth”.

Letters of Friendship, Cartas de Amistad- Espacios revelados, Curated by Maria José Cifuentes
At the beginning of the 1970s there was a program of international mail called “Letters of Friendship.” The idea of the program was to promote peace and friendship between the children of the so-called “Socialist Block.” In this context, Ramos, of Chilean nationality, and Kamarov, Soviet, exchanged letters between 1970 and 1973, when they were 12 and 11 years old, respectively.
The work will again be featured, this time exhibiting the letters in Juan Ramos’ childhood room of the beginning of the 1970s in Yungay District.
The room will function as a sound, historical, fictional and intimate space in which the public may plunge into the fantastic story of the world at the time of the Cold War seen through the imagination of children.