Practices Instituto Tropical Endangered Human Movements Video Works To Bloom () Florecimiento Endangered Human Movements Vol. 5 Divina Presencia Endangered Human Movements Vol. 5 Danzas Climáticas Endangered Human Movements Vol. 5 MONTAÑAS EN RESISTENCIA Endangered Human Movements Vol. 5 Danza de Conquista Endangered Human Movements Vol.4 Living in Borderlands Endangered Human Movements Vol.4 Mara'akame Endangered Human Movements Vol.3 Go and Talk to Your Government Bundesministerium für Bewegungsangelegenheiten BMfB The Forrest of Mirrors Endangered Human Movement Vol.3 Animal Kingdom Exploring the wild edges of the human world. Go and talk to your Government ( Spanish) Ministerio Nacional de Asuntos del Movimiento de Austria Letters of Friendship Installations School of Mountains & Water Endangered Human Movements Vol. 5 School of the Jaguar Endangered Human Movements Vol. 3 Endangered Human Movements - Lecture Dance as a forms of resistance Endangered Human Movements - Workshop Dance as a forms of resistance