Frontera / Procesión – Un ritual de agua

Endangered Human Movements Vol. 4


Frontera/ Procesion – Un ritual del Agua (Border / Procession- A ritual of Water) is the latest piece by Amanda Piña/ nadaproductions, upon a commission from Short theatre Rome. The choreographic research of EHM*.Volume 4 has its roots in a dance that emerged from the neighbourhood of El Ejido Veinte of Matamoros, Tamaulipas, at the border between Mexico and the United States, danced today in a context of violence related to the liminal space of a border, where drug trafficking, militarisation, and cheap labor industries meet. The history of this dance is related to the so called “Conquest Dances”, originally devised by the Spanish crown to depict the Christian victory over the Moors in the Iberian Peninsula. During the colonization it was used as a racist propaganda tool, by which the difference between white and non-white was exported to Latin America. Indigenous people where forced to personify the “Moor” and re stage their defeat, while the Christian represented the victory of Spain. The dance evolved through time and became a form of resistance or “re conquista”, in modern /colonial and, later, neoliberal contexts.

Commissioned by Short Theatre Amanda Piña and her collaborators work  on a week workshop with women of diverse associations in Rome that work with welcoming and orienting new Italians coming from sub Saharan contexts, but also with feminist associations and organisations related to care of women in situations of vulnerability. The performance, oriented to strengthen solidarity with and between women in diverse situations of vulnerability, young and old, born in Italy and elsewhere, explore a border choreography in which hip-hop culture, colonial narratives, indigenous practices and mysticism intertwine, Amanda Piña reminds us that the border is not only a place but is also inscribed in the bodies.  This new ritual of water envisions a feminist political order, through which the future is cared and repaired. Water in our bodies and environments establish the path for new forms of solidarity, flowing through and beyond all notions of borders be they cultural, national or aesthetic.


* Endangered Human Movements is the title of a long-term project, started in the year 2014, focusing on human movement practices, which have been cultivated for centuries all over the world. Inside this frame a series of performances, workshops, installations, publications and a comprehensive online archive are developed which reconstruct, re-contextualize and re signify human movement practices in danger of disappearing, aiming at unleashing their future potential.





Atelier Frontera/Procesion – CND PARIS ©Nathalie Joyeux



02.09.2024 – 07.09.2024 // Oriente Occidente, Rovereto, Italy
23.07.2023 – 23.07.2023 // Radial system , Berlin, Germany
14.09.2023 – 14.09.2023 // La Casa Encendida, Madrid, España
– 23.07.2023 Radialsystem, Berlin, Germany
10.09.2021 – 11.09.2021 // Short Theatre Rome, Rome, Italy
18.09.2022 // Festival d'Automne Paris, Paris , France
01.10.2022 // Pantin Centre National de La Danse, Paris, France




Artistic Direction and choreography
Amanda Piña

Artistic Design
Michel Jimenez

Choreography and transmission
Rodrigo de la Torre Coronado, Leader of the  Danza de Matamoros

Transmission team
Rodrigo de la Torre Coronado, Marîe Mazzer, Dafne del Carmen Moreno Huerta, Matilde Amigo.

Rodrigo de la Torre Coronado, Marîe Mazzer, Dafne del Carmen Moreno Huerta, Danae Serinet, Sofia Cardona Parra, Matilde Amigo, Amanda Piña and a group of women part of diverse women associations in Rome

Dramaturgy and development
Nicole Haitzinger

Research and theory
Nicole Haitzinger and Amanda Piña

Christian Müller,

Live percussion
Juan Luiz Cruz Carrera

La mata del veinte/Julia Trybula/Coloriage Sartoria Soziale


Something Great

Senior advisor
Marie-Christine Barrata Dragono

Angela Vadori / Smart

Coproduction EHM  Volume 4
Kunstenfestivaldesarts, Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Arts Finland, asphalt Festival Düsseldorf | Funded by: City of Vienna (Kulturabteilung der Stadt Wien) | The research of EHM Vol.4 Danza y Frontera was developed with the support of: Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mexican Embassy in Vienna the National School of Folkloric Dance of México, INBA, National Institute of Fine Arts México | Performances in Brussels with the support of the Österreichischen Kulturforums Brüssel, DANCE ON TOUR Austria (DOTA)


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